... 28 days in
Patent pending InstaAge Rub -- COMING THIS YEAR!


Close your eyes and 'taste' the best steak you've ever had...got that dry-aged flavor in mind?!
Now imagine that you didn't have to wait a minimum of 28 days to achieve the flavor, OR, go to a fancy steakhouse to buy one for $100 or more. Starting at a mere $39.99*, InstaAge is your answer! Achieve the concentrated, distinctive, memorable flavor of dry-age in a matter of seconds!
InstaAge Rub is the world's first and only, patent-pending flavor rub that essentially 'transforms' almost any steak to a delicious, rich, dry-aged [flavored] steak in a matter of seconds. InstaAge Rub effectively mimics the flavors that the dry-aging process creates, which typically is a 28+ day process, and allows Foodies everywhere to enjoy the expensive, distinctive flavor of dry-aged beef for a tiny fraction of the price.
Meant for steak, but made for MEAT! Feel free to try InstaAge Rub on any of your favorite meats today!